Thursday, June 13, 2002

Here's a Food Blog,now I'm hungry! Wait, I'm always hungry, nevermind!
While doing some random blog searches, I found the most boring blog in the world.
Remember when you were a kid, being really curious as to how different things worked? Well here's a little bit of experimentation with science.
Are you a webaholic? Do you like making webpages? Check out these cool buttons you can use on your webpages. Be sure to mouseover each button to see different effects.

Monday, April 01, 2002

epoH uoy dah a ecin !retsaE Check out this gag Ebay pulled for April Fool's Day! Oh come on, it really isn't that hard to figure it out. It gave me a laugh at first. :)

Friday, March 01, 2002

Time for class!
I was looking around for some online tests to see what I could find Hablas EspaƱol?Check it out.
(Sorry, I couldn't find an upside down question mark in my character map and I have too many fonts
to go digging for one!) ;)
How about a little Math Quiz? You can take an Algebra/Geometry test here. Me? In High School, I made it through Pre-Algebra and said that was enough! However, I took a bonehead math class in College and got a B... I'm too scared to go any further! I hate math!
Anyway, for you sophisticates out there, here is a Trig Test.
Although this test was not labeled, I'm convinced it may possibly be Calc.
Now for you narrow minded people, picture yourselves in a classroom taking a test- don't use your calculators!!
Here's a Chemistry Test, another subject that I was not into.
Biology was another class that I didn't worm my way into.
Here is a Physics/Capacitors Test, yet another foreign language to me. =/
Am I making you sick yet? ;) Why not try a typing test?
Ok I think you've had enough - now you can go home. :P

Monday, January 14, 2002

Argh! Ok I really messed this up. is where you want to look. Sorry - it's been too long since I've posted...hehe.
Oops... I'm sick sooo, naturally I screwed up that link. =( sorry. Go here:
Happy New Year! I know, it's beem quite awhile since i've posted and I apologize for that. Well I was going to post something last week but I don't remember what it was.. ?! Today I was going through my bookmarks and organizing them. I had gone to an M&Ms website to find that you can make your own custom color M&M packages. My boyfriend wants to get black and silver for his co worker in time for the Superbowl. I HOPE THE RAIDERS LOSE! =P Find out more about the M&M's by going here.

Thursday, October 11, 2001

Today I am in a bizarre mood. So I can not possibly be held responsible for the excitement or boredom that you may gain from viewing today's blog. I was cruising the net to find miscellaneous things and here is what I came up with: Do you remember Silly Putty? Well, here you may learn about things that you may not have known about the rubbery blob. And you can see a few Silly Putty creations here.
Maybe you would like to make some Silly Putty or Silly Slime of your own? When I was a kid, I had a lot of fun with silly putty. It seemed that no matter what I tried to do to kill it, it was invincible. My brother had green Silly Slime. I didn't care for that goop for some reason. I remember one time when he took it into the kitchen and strrrrrrretttccchhhheeed it clear across the big counter. I was so grossed out! Thank god he never bought the kind with worms that I can recall. Ugh! I had sparked some interest way back when of Creepy Crawlers. especially after finding out that it worked with Jell-O. Even though I never owned creepy crawlers myself, I loved the fact that they could be made to eat! (My friend used her brother's all the time for that.)
Well, as long as I'm on the jello kick, here's a recipe for Jell-O Pizza.
Now get busy! :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2001

For the sake of writing something in the blog for today, I will just say hi. =P I think I'm coming down with something as usual... something other than ComputerItis. Like you really needed to know this information in order to make your day feel complete. Arg! Ok I am nottttttt feeling good about my computer lagging on the net all the time so I'm going to cut this blarg short. Hopefully this will seem more inspiring tomorrow provided that I'm feeling better. =P Note mood. =\

Friday, October 05, 2001

Captain's Blog,
My computer was acting very strange tonight. First, I tried dialing into earthlink, and when I clicked on the dialer, it asked if I wanted to download such & such link, I said yes. Then an unrelated file opened, and I was swamped with open windows, and more questions of, "would you like to open at this location or save?" Good grief, I hadn't even logged on at this point! So, I unfortunately had to uninstall my Bonzi monkey because it had been giving me fits this afternoon, like, I had sound for everything else but not the monkey. After uninstalling the thing, I have had no problems whatsoever.I was really bored so I was doing some random searches and found this really cute dog picture. Do I really come across as being that bored? O=) Well that's it for today, just wanted to write something in here. =P