Thursday, October 11, 2001

Today I am in a bizarre mood. So I can not possibly be held responsible for the excitement or boredom that you may gain from viewing today's blog. I was cruising the net to find miscellaneous things and here is what I came up with: Do you remember Silly Putty? Well, here you may learn about things that you may not have known about the rubbery blob. And you can see a few Silly Putty creations here.
Maybe you would like to make some Silly Putty or Silly Slime of your own? When I was a kid, I had a lot of fun with silly putty. It seemed that no matter what I tried to do to kill it, it was invincible. My brother had green Silly Slime. I didn't care for that goop for some reason. I remember one time when he took it into the kitchen and strrrrrrretttccchhhheeed it clear across the big counter. I was so grossed out! Thank god he never bought the kind with worms that I can recall. Ugh! I had sparked some interest way back when of Creepy Crawlers. especially after finding out that it worked with Jell-O. Even though I never owned creepy crawlers myself, I loved the fact that they could be made to eat! (My friend used her brother's all the time for that.)
Well, as long as I'm on the jello kick, here's a recipe for Jell-O Pizza.
Now get busy! :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2001

For the sake of writing something in the blog for today, I will just say hi. =P I think I'm coming down with something as usual... something other than ComputerItis. Like you really needed to know this information in order to make your day feel complete. Arg! Ok I am nottttttt feeling good about my computer lagging on the net all the time so I'm going to cut this blarg short. Hopefully this will seem more inspiring tomorrow provided that I'm feeling better. =P Note mood. =\