Saturday, September 29, 2001

Captain's Blog,
Stardate, right here right now. I've had so many problems trying to get this thing figured out. Thank god for FRIENDS who I can trust, who might get tired of me picking, nagging, whining, blah blah blah. I just hope this post works. Anyhoo, I gotta go to bed now.

Tuesday, September 25, 2001

It's Tuesday, Yippie Skippy. Why did I just say that? I'm not that big on peanut butter. =P I just re-read what I wrote yesterday. My birthday was officially Sunday, Sept. 23rd, but since I wrote that late Monday night, well, uh,
Anyway, the weather today is beautiful! Am watching Maury, he is discussing the NYC incident and has guests that knew people involved and fear they may be dead at this point. =(
I screwed up my comment section of this page, I will try to figure out how to fix it later. Now that I'm thinking about the NYC incident, Kristen was right. The graphics on this page look like the twin towers. I should really change that.
Well, hm, what to say what to say.
Yesterday was my birthday, and somehow I managed to survive it, although I was partied out.